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    拆室外機具有風險,請務必在有專業空調制冷維修工作人員的安全拆卸保證下拆卸。擰開外機連接鎖母后,應用住備好的密封鈉子旋好護往外機連接接頭的絲紋。再用扳手松開外機底腳的固定螺絲。拆卸后放下室外機時,最好用繩索吊住,卸州苗木 保定通風管道 絲網立柱模具 尼龍輸送帶 保定防水 保定空壓機 高碑店養老院放的同時應注意平衡,避免振動、磕碰,并注意安全。應慢慢捋直室外空調器的接管,用準備好的四個堵頭封住連接管的四個端口,防止空氣中灰塵和水份進入。堵頭上好,最后再用塑料袋扎好,盤好以便于搬運。
    It is risky to disassemble the outdoor unit. Please disassemble it under the guarantee of safe disassembly by professional air conditioning and refrigeration maintenance personnel. After unscrewing the connecting lock nut of the external machine, the prepared sealing sodium shall be used to screw the thread protecting the connecting joint of the external machine. Use a wrench to loosen the fixing screw of the outer machine foot. When putting down the outdoor unit after disassembly, it is best to hang it with ropes. Pay attention to balance during unloading, avoid vibration and collision, and pay attention to safety. Slowly straighten the connecting pipe of the outdoor air conditioner, and seal the four ports of the connecting pipe with four prepared plugs to prevent the entry of dust and water in the air. The plug shall be fixed, and finally it shall be tied with a plastic bag and coiled for easy handling


    1. 電話:15373126364
    2. 聯系人:許立響
    3. 地址:河北省保定市競秀區小汲店工業區

    版權 ? 保定市朝陽空調維修服務部   網址:www.socoolye.com  推薦:保定空調移機,保定空調維修,保定加氟拆裝,保定空調回收,雄安空調移機

    合肥電動伸縮門 秦皇島空調維修 石家莊斷橋鋁門窗 唐山通風管道 北京電動門 保定代理記賬 網站建設及優化保定遨游網絡公司


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